Postdoctoral Fellows

PhD students with graduate training in microbiology, immunology, virology, molecular biology or a closely related discipline wishing to pursue a postdoctoral traineeship in vaccine immunology are encouraged to submit their CV for consideration. Applicants should be within one year of having obtained their PhD and be sufficiently competitive to acquire fellowship funding. Applicants should send an email to Dr. Ralph Pantophlet. The email must include the following:

  • A description of short- and long-term career goals and how joining the Pantophlet Lab fits within these goals;
  • A detailed CV outlining academic history, all academic activities (e.g., publications, teaching, undergraduate/graduate student supervision, seminars/journal clubs), and relevant non-academic activities (e.g., volunteerism, leadership positions); and
  • A list with the names of (at least) three academic references able to speak to the research, intellectual, and leadership abilities of the applicant.

Graduate students

The Pantophlet Lab is seeking bright and highly self-motivated students wishing to pursue a doctoral degree (PhD) in vaccine immunology. Applicants should have at least two semesters of advanced laboratory coursework in biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, virology, or molecular biology plus at least one semester of research laboratory work experience beyond laboratory courses (e.g., through co-op or Honours). Interested students should send an email to Dr. Ralph Pantophlet. The email must include the following:

  • A concise description of research interests and goals (short- and long-term)
  • A detailed academic CV, including notable academic and non-academic achievements and publications (if any); and
  • Evidence of English proficiency (TOEFL or IELTS) in the case of students from countries where English is not the primary language.

Students may apply to graduate programs in either the Faculty of Health Sciences or the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Visit the websites of the Faculty of Health Sciences or the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry to obtain detailed information regarding admission and course requirements specific to the respective graduate programs.

Undergraduate students

Honours projects

The Pantophlet Lab regularly has opportunities for undergraduate students seeking Honours research projects. Students with a keen interest in pursuing a research career in biomedical sciences are particularly encouraged to apply. Interested students must submit their CV, a current advising transcript and a concise description of academic goals to Dr. Ralph Pantophlet.

Undergraduate research award projects

Undergraduate research award (USRA) positions are available periodically. Interested students must submit a current CV, academic transcript and brief description of academic goals to Dr. Ralph Pantophlet. Students seeking to pursue a career in biomedical research are particularly encouraged.

Research Assistants

There are no Research Assistant positions available currently.