Edarlin Royce Bigornia

Edarlin Bigornia
Edarlin Royce Bigornia, BSc (Simon Fraser University)
Undergraduate Researcher/Intern (2019-2020)


Antibodies have proven to be of great use to human health and research. They can neutralize harmful foreign substances and have become vital tools in antibody-based therapies and research. I am elated to join the Pantophlet laboratory. I hope to add to my existing laboratory and research experience and expect to gain an even greater appreciation for the many roles and applications of antibodies in research and everyday life.

Other Interests

Much of my time outside of academia is spent at a hospital where I interact with residents who have physical and cognitive deficits. Many of these disabilities are brought upon by deficiencies in the immune system as a result of old age. It is wonderful to see that what I have been learning at university and working on in labs are being used to enrich the lives of those in my community.