Simon Wang

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Honours student (2020)
Undergraduate Research Intern (2020)
I am keen to pursuing a career related to drug development and immunology; the Pantophlet Lab’s research on HIV-antibody interactions is of great personal interest to me and would be highly relevant to my intended career path. Eliciting neutralizing antibodies to HIV presents significant challenges, however these challenges also present exciting opportunities for significant biomedical advancements, potentially leading to greatly improved quality of life. I look forward to applying my passion for the subject, combined with my broad theoretical knowledge and diverse practical skills, within this laboratory.
Other Interests
In addition to biology, I am also highly interested in physics/engineering and spend much of my free time learning as much as I can about semiconductor design and fabrication. I love music and enjoy everything from Chopin’s Nocturne’s to melodic dubstep. I am also an avid reader and writer–I have been working on a science-fiction novel in my free time for the past six years and have over 200 pages written, with many more still to come!